Saturday, December 13, 2014

December 13, 2014 The Sunday Whirl / Misunderstand


when endeavoring to communicate                              to find the right words

the story seems to spin                   out of my control

it is as if the words have hitched a ride in a                                   spacecraft

and are traveling the cosmos         visiting other planets

without concern for their worldly meanings

angels tread lightly                               to avoid the lunatic words                          without meanings

my words can get into such a tangle                              when they disregard what i am trying to say

finding the right words                       to convey the meaning                 will forever be a difficult task          

words can be slippery                        when it comes to meanings

                      spread misunderstanding

December 13, 2014                                            


Saturday, December 6, 2014

December 6, 2014 The Sunday Whirl/Collecting Sea Shells


the child in the cave             so tender                    alone in the haze

she traipsed about as if deranged              in those high heel shoes of her Mother’s

she would fling her cape around her                     as if for protection
                                                                                                from the cold

she sustained she posture for just so long             before she exchanged it for
                                                                        something more real

she dropped the chains                   that held her there

no longer the little girl                                  she was

she emerged                                      as the full grown woman
                                                                        that she had become

still there were times                                                she could become enflamed

the wounds still raw             seething                                             under the repairs

amazing how one carries                 it all                 never forgets

like the marks on the stones                                    burned in a fire so long ago

a history written                               never erased             shoved forward
thrown on the shore

December 5, 2014   

Sunday, November 30, 2014

November 30, 2014 The Sunday Whirl/ Home for Christmas/Poets United Poets Pantry

Home for Chrsitmas

this morning was different              when i awakened
the sun was high above taos mountain

the sky streaked with the softest                            pinks creams blues & such
                                    usually it is dark as i leave for the studio

the stars still scattered in the sky                           fill my gaze
the moon bent toward the horizon
                                                plain   it has been a long night for him

a cold breeze finds it’s way through the window             chills my skin

this year’s harvest is slim                 the days pass with gathering speed

the commercial bright lights of the holidays                     out shines all that is real

in taos new mexico               in the darkness
                                                            soft footsteps & the sounds of rattles

the people prepare to celebrate                             the splendor of christmas

bonfires aglow                                               all is old          ancient

the sounds of the drums like heart beats              carry messages in the darkness
snow is predicted                  it will be a white christmas at the pueblo this year

November 30, 2014


Saturday, November 29, 2014

November 29, 2014 Writers Digest 2014 November PAD Challenge/ We Make Mistakes -- deVerse


we made mistakes

regret             won’t change what is past

if only one little wish could fix things                     when we learn better

ain't going to happen                        not in the world

so we have to live with our imperfections             our smallness

our ‘sins’                    the archer’s term      of missing the mark

here is the thing                    once we have learned          make amends

don’t do it again                    of course it seems once we learn

we get the lesson                  we don’t get another chance

opportunity comes round just once                        & we stumble through the best we can

pass it on to the young                     there are no do-overs in this life

knowing this              still we make mistakes

November 29, 2014

Friday, November 28, 2014

November 28, 2014 Writers Digest 2014 November PAD Challenge/ Thanksgiving 2014 & Isn't News

Thanksgiving 2014

no this year has not been as i would have wished

but then i don’t remember the universe asking me

it is a year i will not forget

yet i am grateful that you are no longer sick

i am grateful for family and friends

i am grateful for          the air i breathe

the water i drink

the food i eat

the bed where i rest

the home where i live

the studio where i work

the view of taos mountain

the clear blue new mexico sky

land of enchantment

the list could be endless

but most important is you

i am blessed beyond what i could ask

November 27, 2014


Isn’t News

i wonder....                              there isn’t much on the news anymore

a lot of what they call news                         doesn’t inform

a lot about shopping                        

i guess you can expect no more in a capitalistic society

after all what is more important than shopping

and who gets the last barbie doll

but what about the black family in missouri whose son was shot

by a police office who was afraid

or a 12 year old boy in ohio

the news isn’t all black and white

some of it is silly

some of it is disrespectful

most of it doesn’t matter                              a lot of it isn’t news

November 28, 2014

Not Just A Cup

  Not Just a Cup       Southern born Not a tea drinker Always coffee For me   Although I often find  Bitter taste Of the dark brew A bit muc...