we made mistakes
regret won’t
change what is past
if only one little wish could fix things when we learn better
ain't going to happen not
in the world
so we have to live with our imperfections our smallness
our ‘sins’ the
archer’s term of missing the mark
here is the thing once
we have learned make amends
don’t do it again of
course it seems once we learn
we get the lesson we
don’t get another chance
opportunity comes round just once & we stumble through the best we can
pass it on to the young there
are no do-overs in this life
knowing this still
we make mistakes
November 29, 2014
Well said, that is the problem with cliches, they almost lose their meaning through overuse, so even though we "know" these things to be true, they yet go unheeded.
To be that archer taking aim.. and yet we know we often fail... but should we still refrain to aim?
It's more pleasant to listen to the string that snapped
than never to bend a bow
From a poem by Verner von Heidenstam .. (to me this has become a proverb)
As ever, Annell delicate and poignant work that always warms my soul... With Best Wishes Scott www.scotthastie.com
sometimes we dont get that opportunity again...and we have to just live in light of that lesson so we dont make the same mistake with the next person we meet...making ammends though is great when we can....
That is a wonderful quote.
Sometimes, all we can do is forgive ourselves and try, try again.
How many of us are lucky to get that second chance? How many of us truly let go of our mistakes? We learn... but do we move on?
i lived as perfectionist so long in my life.. never really taking chances to ensure my perceived mistake free way of life was preserved until i finally found that mistakes were my greatest ally that i tried so hard to avoid and was what i thought as successful in maintaining an illusion of a house well maintained....
And now i celebrate imperfection in most everything i do.. changing what i can.. and accepting that the imperfection in life is what makes the tapestry more beautiful as life goes on...:)
And even when we do learn, we then make different mistakes!
I think one of the biggest mistakes in life is hanging on to our mistakes, holding them against ourselves. Guilt and regret can be a very heavy load to carry.
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