Thursday, June 25, 2015

Writer's Digest/ Go Away --

Go Away

go away                            i scream at the magpies              when they come close

a pair of flycatchers             have made a nest                         outside my door

the flycatchers come every year                  for many years

not the same flycatchers                                  probably parents & grandparents

we have seen at least 10 to 14 tiny birds                    fly from the nests

they like it here                     but the magpies torment them        don't want them here

the politics of the avian world                        not always understandable to me

the magpies seem such rowdy neighbors       strutting in their black & white tuxedos

chattering loudly                 i appear and scream                            go away

June 25, 2015


Butterflies Were Present

butterflies were present lifting from your fingers       filling the room with magic

i should have known...                   perhaps i did                         a window opens

so much unexplained                       fresh air fills your lungs

it is as if you can see forever       and you are privileged to know 

                                                                    what is usually found only in dreams

                   know what is under the bed

                            ...the next words a person is speaking           before they are spoken

                   could win a spelling bee                      for sure

it isn't something one can understand        only something you know     much like a feeling

                           ...why did you buy all that syrup

                           ...why did the raven perch on the mirror doing antics that made us laugh

                           ...why did we go to the wrong store

                                                 which turned out to be the right one after all

                                                       a magical shop of tiny doll house furniture

                  the book store finding the book

                                                  the singing creek where the willows grow

                                                       the mystical nature diary of opal whiteley

another dimension opens            to reveal the extraordinary...

the first days of june were magical                       indeed

                              the night air filled with the scent of honeysuckle

                               your gesture of love             tying our hearts together for all times

                               weaving that moment           into all future moments  

                                                                                          ...butterflies were present

June 25, 2015


Jae Rose said...

Sometimes the noises outside echo the feelings within...on a good day the birds sing with you..on a bad day they scream...xo

Blogoratti said...

They are probably screaming the same...go away, oh the beauty of nature. How are you? Have a nice end to the week!

X said...

We have neighbors like that in the human world as well. I feel the same for my family of deer that live in the back yard. They change each year, but they are always back to pick at the leavings of the grapes and bed down. Until a dog, or a gun scares them off, or takes their life.

X said...

Ah the second one is lovely as well. Sounds like a remarkable person. There is every day magic. And there are those that are magical as well. We are blessed to know them for the time we do.

Sherry Blue Sky said...

Sigh. My spirit is replete for the day after reading these words. I adore the first poem full of noisy magpies and baby flycatchers. Love the magpies in heir tuxedos, strutting importantly about. I join you in scaring them away from the nest full of babies. But the second one lifted me right into the dreamscape - butterflies falling from his fingers......"as if you could see forever" (and he could!)....and that gesture that tied your hearts together for all time. So incredibly beautiful - and mystical - Annell. Just lovely.

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