NaPoWriMo Day #29
The Journey of Intent
I thought it was fun
Made me laugh
You saw it as choice
I guess I would agree
Through the door An idea creeps
Presents itself
Waits to be embraced
Set your course
Take a step
Along the way
Another visitor
You wonder
Why all the bother
Is this really worth it
Could be doing
Something really important
Walk among the sage
Pet the cat
Count the stars
When doubt seems to out weight
What it is you are doing
You will continue
You will not quit
You don't know
What's down that road
Until you have traveled it
I love this so much....walking in the sage, counting the stars, not knowing what's down the road until you travel it. Sigh. Lovely writing.
Yes, Annell, that last stanza says so much.
Intent has to be strong and filled with purpose...purpose is so powerful....nice write...bkm
I have always believed that intent is everything ... and "walking in the sage," contemplative for you could be walking amongst the plants or perhaps the wise ones. I enjoyed this.
nice bit of wisdom..too many give up far too early...take the 30in 30...many have given in and now just one away...smiles...keep following that road....
Very wise words and what a perfect image-- follow your path-- the path leads to the idea and the idea leads to creativity... and seems endless I think.
stay the course... wander the sideroads, too... a few are parallel... meet/greet... some may follow....
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