…and i will call to you when the shooting stops call your name
will you be one to remain one who is left or will i find your body
lying dead upon the field your eyes no longer see your ears no longer hear
still, the little boy you were a mother can see it no other way tears form
roll down the cheek through the veil threw one more cast
you step into the icy water excited about the prospect a fish on your line
fish for dinner this day perfect without knowing
this day would pass would not return again there would be other days
but none as perfect i breathe deep sweet scent of honeysuckle
memories flood back the fighting over i see you whole and well again
war accomplishes nothing you send a “tweet” make threats
each time sons will die and sons of sons
will die bodies lying on the field threats uttered carelessly
June 28, 2017
“War does not determine who is right – only who is left” — Bertrand Russell