You Hike the Valley Alone
i think of you now far away in a distant land we are separated by
more than distance you hike the valley of the shadow of death
you do not stumble like the hike years ago
in haversuepie arizonia the descent was straight down a ten-mile hike
in that hot canyon most of the day the mules passed us
they carried the mail in and out of the canyon the dogs run alongside
barking at their heels hooves clatter on the rocks the men yell
encouragement hoo! hoo! the sun beats down
the canyon an oven we stopped often to rest in the shade
took our time descending slowly deep into the earth
the village another world protected by vertical rock walls cool at last
it is there we witnessed the dragonfly/fire engine red silently waiting
as if for us alone stared into our eyes we stared back
camped near the falls emerald green water cascading over the rim
leaving all cares above... on the last day we hiked most of the day
the hike had grown much harder late in the afternoon the final push
back to our waiting cars the trail seemed to go straight up/ into the sky days before
when we began we hardly noticed the descent but the return assent
back to our lives above was very difficult out of water
we stopped often for short rests we found three bottles of water
gratefully we took two we met a young man on the trail just beginning his hike
ten miles into the canyon hot as hell dressed in black
with black parasol a definite spring in his step for all the world
he appeared to be out for a stroll/ in a downtown park the canyon floor many hours ahead
often wondered if he made it did he find his way
or did he turn back for you there is no turning back
your heart is strong though broken you hike the valley alone
April 4, 2016