Tuesday, July 18, 2017



i never cease to be amazed               i look up                      and from my window

i see a landscape of mountains         all summer                 it has been through a veil of smoke

still, beautiful                                      white puffy clouds      layered again a clear blue sky

reflect a soft dark blue           the color of the mountains     the sage brush

extends to the horizon                        or to the foot of the mountains         whichever comes first

a low-intensity green              around the courtyard              is a low adobe wall               

terra cotta                               most days                               the sun shines brightly                                              
even in the time of the monsoons     afternoons become a deep blue        the sky turns dark

a little rain cools the steamy mesa   shadows fall across the portal           blue violet

all the way to my window                  and it is here…                                    I think of you

July 18, 2017                                                  



lillianthehomepoet.wordpress.com said...

Oh.....I wish you could have heard the big sigh that escaped from me at the last words of your post. Beautiful imagery here....how I would love a time-lapsed photo of the scene outside your window...that could show all the changes in one lovely image. Thanks for posting to the prompt!

Samyuktha Semi Jayaprakash said...

So beautiful. You paint a lovely picture with your words. Loved the ending.

Jane Dougherty said...

Lovely cleave poem. It's so hard to get them to come out right, but this one works beautifully.

Anonymous said...

The formatting of your poem and the way the reader has to jump around while reading it made me think of reading it in little breaths, or as if the poem was breathing. It's quite clever!

Glenn Buttkus said...

I, too, like to let my lines wander about the pages, creating word silhouettes, ink blot
groupings & places to breathe or contemplate. Are you in AZ or NM? I love to visit the SW, but my body prefers the temperate clime of the west coast, midst forests & mountain ranges.

Jilly said...

Blue Violet all the way up to my window - you make me see it! Wonderful!

Victoria said...

You are talented playing with pattern, both in the format of the poem and, of course, in your art. You describe what I am experiencing here in Reno. At first I wondered but then I think I remember where you are.

Frank Hubeny said...

Nice description of the view from your window and how that gives you the memory, mentioned in the last line, of someone else.

Sherry Blue Sky said...

So beautiful. I envisioned the mountains, the sky, your terra cotta wall........just lovely.

tonispencer said...

You truly painted a gorgeous picture with both your words and your descriptions - I could see all of it my mind. And at the end...sigh.

Sumana Roy said...

What a wonderful window view! "blue violet

all the way to my window"...my favorite lines.

sarah said...

Some beautiful images. The fractured effect is so interesting. I keep trying to physically read it in different ways, as if I'm putting together a jigsaw puzzle.

Kim M. Russell said...

The shape of your poem helps me to visualise the scene and I love the way you word-paint with colour: the 'soft dark blue... of the mountains'; the 'low-intensity green' of the sage brush'; the terra cotta adobe wall; and the blue violet shadows.

Cedarwind said...

Nicely written :)

kaykuala said...

blue violet
all the way to my window
and it is here…
I think of you

It certainly brings wonderful memories, annell. The ambiance may be made conducive to think of someone dear to one's heart!


MMO 2025 said...

So beautiful. I envisioned the mountains, the sky, your terra cotta wall........just lovely.


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