Monday, December 11, 2017

dVerse/ Haibun Monday. The peompt is, " Pleasantly Surprised" --Frank is our host.

to write                       gather words into a coffee can          drop them onto the white paper

sometimes      we are pleasantly surprised       to find we have actually created poetry

collect nouns and verbs          show action                            tell a tale

be it true                     or something from the brain’s closet    carefully folded away

saved from long ago   for this very day         waiting for the right time to appear

maybe several stories in one     surprise yourself                 sit down at the loom

and weave      the threads of different colors together        create one story

someone’s ending                  another’s beginning                who knew                  

where the story would take you         where it would go      what would be revealed        

does truth matter                   I think not                                telling your story is the goal

slight of hand                          now you see it            now you don’t

gather words in a coffee can
drop inky black onto white paper
a story of snow and dark shadows



Frank Hubeny said...

Nice haiku! I am usually drinking coffee when I write, so the coffee can made perfect sense along with the darkness of the words on paper. I am usually surprised with what appears when I write. I don't know where it comes from.

Vivian Zems said...

Well, I certainly saw it, then I didn't - then I did again as I wove your words together. Great fun!

brudberg said...

I love the thought of the smoke and mirrors... maybe the truth is what the reader finds..

Sascha Darlington said...

I love this, the act of creation like weaving and/or a magician. Wonderful! said...

Weaving colors together is a wonderful analogy to creating stories. I love this, Annell!

X said...

I lived with a weave for one summer. She had a huge loom and I could just sit and watch. We watched one show together each week, when I was off work. I only lived there a couple months.

Who knows where any story goes? Our own, or just one we concoct.
It is interesting what we choose to tell. What we choose to keep as a special part of our story, just for ourselves.

Dwight L. Roth said...

Very nice. What do you call this style of writing?

Kim M. Russell said...

Poetry is often like this but always pleasantly surprising, even if its only a phrase or a line. We can come back to them and find something to love, to change or to edit out. I love the loom metaphor, Annell, and the haiku is inspired.

Gillena Cox said...

" gather words into a coffee can"
Luv this step, gathering here is really accumulating: life's experiences, is living, is storing, nuturing all of these actions: steps to the poem; and it's mystery: what will it be

Much😍love said...

Loving this.....especially these words "sit down at the loom and weave." Words in a coffee can.....smiling I am at your description of the creative process. And it is so true, at least for me. Sometimes I'm amazed at what comes out on the paper -- where did that come from??? A weaver of words :)

Namratha said...


I captured the essence of how a writer feels, sometimes pleasantly surprised by herself.

Gina said...

love the contrast between white snow and dark coffee, its very inspirational to me.

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