Tuesday, August 1, 2017

The End Comes Too Soon/ dVerse


where to begin             when you are searching for the end                  is the trailhead marked

the thunder rumbles in the mountains              the sky darkens            rain spatters on the ground

last month of summer              soon school begins                               summer is gobbled up

where does it go                       picnicking/hiking                    summer’s fun things

out and about               against the sun’s last rays                      the sunset takes our breath away

fishing on the lake                    at summer’s end                       last cast…

put the tackle away                   autumn is in the air                  the temperature is cooler now

bring in the wood                     the color explodes                    get ready for the leaves to fall

trees take on skeletal form        a winter forest sad, and lonely  …the end comes too soon

August 1, 2017                                                           




Paul John Dear said...

yet with it a new beginning..I like the seasonal take here. Thanks for your contribution to the end.

tonispencer said...

The seasons change, life changes...from beginning to ending. Lovely write.

Frank Hubeny said...

Summer does seem short. Winter is also. Time just flows by.

pam prince said...

Very interesting form, poignant words full of description. I really like this.

Sherry Blue Sky said...

I anticipate fall, my favourite season, full of colour.........I still havent caught a summer sunset. I had better get to it, before it's too late.

Kim M. Russell said...

I'm with Sherry - autumn is my favourite season and a good place to begin the year's trail. I love the colours of autumn, the fog and rain, the storms and squalls, and the wistful sadness, which you have captured here. Summer will be back again at the end of the trail.

Sumana Roy said...

I could hear the soft sighs for fleeting summer. In India summer is horrid. We always long for brief and beautiful winter.

jp said...

It's a beautiful poem. A refreshing take on the prompt.

MMO 2025 said...

Awesome blog, i always enjoy & read the post you are sharing!
Thank for your very good article...!


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