Saturday, September 15, 2018

Resist What is Not True/imaginary gardens with real toads Resistance

Resist What is Not True

Resist the easy
Resist the first horse out of the chute
Resist what is given
In the darkness of night

Resistance doesn’t come easy
It takes an effort
Fully awake
On guard

Wait for it…
What is meant to be
Will surely be
Resist what has been done

Sort out the old
Look for the new
The new way to see
The new way to say

There is a war going on
A war everyday
And yet the way is open
You are invited

Yes, you are expected
There is someone waiting
What it is that you have to say
It may not be great

But is it true
Is it your own
Does it come from the heart
If so, perhaps it is what you are after

The perfect image in the mirror
Resist the one that is not
For you
There is only one truth that is your own

September 15, 2018 


brudberg said...

Yes... look for the new, find new paths, look forward don't put your stick into the ground.

Brendan said...

When you paint a series, what are you looking for but a fresh vantage, perhaps what your heart's eye is seeing the most clearly? I think that is in "the new way to see" and the "war with the everyday." I can't wait to get back to work on a poem the next morning -- and yet there is that soldierly discipline, OK, no fucking around now, this matters ... getting to the one truth. Thanks for joining in ...

tonispencer said...

Yes. reisitance is not easy. It is soething I learned in engineering, especially when plotting wind resistance in plotting ot a bridge. One has to compute the resistance vs. the hard stuff of the bridge, vs. traffic flowing over, vs. the years of travel. Resistance is not easy. I am neither an artist nor am I intellectual. I am a simple person who finds it easy to go against the grain.

Sanaa Rizvi said...

Such beauty and wisdom in those closing lines!💞 Lovely write, Annell 😊

Margaret said...

Often the first horse out of the gate looks great but tires before too long. Not always, but to pause and wait is not a bad attribute. :)

Anonymous said...

Resistance, by its very nature, implies friction. And so, then, isn't it about choosing flow? As you've noted in this poem, about looking and seeing and choosing something that resonates deep within one's heart - or adventuring to see if something "new" isn't something to be feared. And of course, is there anything new to be discovered and created? Some would argue "no. it's all been said and done before" - but in truth, as suggested here, of course, the virtue of simply being, is of change, which is constant flux, energy in motion, and so, the uniqueness of "fingerprinting" and acting, creating, being, breathing, therefore means something new has been transformed from the old.

Interesting response to the prompt Annell - you've offered up some wonderful ideas and thoughts :)

Kim M. Russell said...

So much to think about in your poem, Annell, and good advice! I was particularly taken by the final stanzas about one's own truth coming from the heart.

Kerry O'Connor said...

A lot of good advice in this poem, Annell.

Anmol (HA) said...

"The new way to see, The new way to say": So well said. It's resistance which makes it possible for us to wade through the old and the mundane and our own complacency to find new truths and to keep on evolving. And in the end, the knowledge that "there is only one truth that is your own" makes it worthwhile.
Such wise thoughts, expressed in a wonderful way.

Sherry Blue Sky said...

I love this - it does take effort to be fully awake. I have to trust what is to be will be and will resist what has been done. It takes a new way to see and we are rather slow at making that shift. But mother nature will help us do it, I am certain.

Jim said...

Very nice, Annell. Yes, we must resist all that and more. I really do like the last verse though some would like to change what they see. I don't complain because it's all I can have for my buck$.
.. said...

Lots to like here - I particularly liked the image of '... a war going on /A war everyday' because that's what resistance is about. And your concluding line - so wise. Thank you. said...

Love the analogy of “the first horse out of the gate.” A new way to see and say opens a person’s horizons. Wonderful poem, Annell!

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