Wednesday, May 29, 2019

All Is Perfect/Poets United Midweek motif/peace

All Is Perfect

What is peace
And where is it found?
A question hard to answer
Still there is an answer

And that answer lies within
When we realize (see with real eyes)
All is perfect
This is not judged

To be what we want
What we think is best
It is all things
That happen

What someone else does
What someone doesn’t do
What someone thinks
Or what we think

None of that matters
For often we cannot see
In that very moment
Something happens

We are upset
Our world falls apart
Our hearts are broken
We have to start over

We lay in our cribs
We cry
We say, but this is not what I want
Still the world continues

All is perfect

May 29, 2019


Susan said...

Profound, and convincing. I can not quite get there, but this lovely poem will remind me.

Helen said...

No matter our age, there will always be that part of our childhood selves in us ... in our psyches.

"We lay in our cribs we cry We say, but this is not what I want"

signed...bkm said...

we lie in our crib.....wonderful...yes often alone and unseen...what is it that we want...peace maybe...we are all such vulnerable souls...bkm

rallentanda said...

How many of us get what we want, I wonder? If you have personal peace and freedom, food and shelter... that's not a bad start.Everything else is a bonus.

tonispencer said...

Yes we lie in our cribs...we do not know what we want, only what we do not

Sherry Blue Sky said...

There is great peace in accepting what is, since we can't control the externals, only ourselves. A very thought-provoking poem, my friend. I have great personal peace, but wrote on the lack of it in political and global circles. Sigh.

Gillena Cox said...

A very profound write. We know what we do not want. Do we know want we want? Will want we want be in hamony with the destiny of paradise regained

Happy Wednesday Annell


Eileen T O'Neill ..... said...

A truly depthful piece of thoughtful poetry. Our own individual options on peace, influence the externals too...

Vivian Zems said...

Profound, Annell!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Your poem makes me hush and reflect, for it points to a peace that no externals can take away.

Marja said...

Very wise, thoughtful and deep piece of writing

robkistner said...

Not certain I understsnd where you went with this Annell, unless you are saying peace is only within. said...

Well said, Annell!

Ufa88kh said...

Thank you for all your efforts
I believe there are many people who feel like I read this article!
I hope you continue to have articles like this to share with everyone!
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